Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hey mommy!!

Things are going great! Yesterday we had 4 people in church which was not too bad...it was super awesome this 13 yr old girl came up to us and was like "elders I know I haven´t really learned a lot about the church or received your lessons but I want to be baptized...what do I have to do to be baptized?" It was super awesome! The elect of God really do hear the Lords voice and come unto Him. It was a great blessing for us...so now we are going to meet with her a couple times this week and have her baptized this weekend if everything goes well. It will!! :) haha sounds like you had a super cool week! I miss all the cousins and everyone! Did you tell Tiffany about Elder Quilter that is serving here and how he knows them...super small world. Haha that song (I Loved Her First) of course that would be the party killer...who planned that? You should tell Tiffany that she can email me and i will provide wise cousin advice....hehe I don´t know anything but I am a good at making stuff up! yeah something super weird is that the 18th...so this Thursday...i will have lived outside of the US for a whole year...super weird!

This week we prayed and felt pretty strong to knock this one section of a road so we are going along and we were about ready to give up...no one wanted to talk to us...well we knocked the last door of the last building and this lady answered the door and she let us offer a prayer in the door to bless her and her house...so i asked if we could include anything she was needing is particular...she thought for a long time and said "i will include it in my head while you pray" she was too embarrassed to share it...so i prayed and after she started crying and spilled her whole story...Her husband had died 3 months before and she has been very sad since then. She has been wondering what will happen to him and has been looking into a lot of different churches and so we explained the plan of salvation and left a pamphlet and a BoM and marked to come back and bring her an enormous joy! :) when we were started to leave she said something interesting..."não fui por a causa que voces passarem hoje" or in english "Its not a coincidence that you guys stopped by today". Really God does watch over and care for everyone of His children and he leads them or others to find the greatest happiness they can achieve in this life.

I am doing really well...everything is going very well...i am sore from working out but i think i can tell already that it is working...i am going to get super ripped. Tell dad he is going to miss my help on this Elk hunt cause "after P90X no mountain will be too steep" (the crazy man in it told me) hehe! I am getting along well with my companion...this transfer has flown by! This transfer ends the last day of the month. I don´t know what president has in store for me but i am thinking and have heard a small rumor that maybe i will train next transfer!! Oh well...Bring it on! :) There are like 20 on islands at a time..I think. I want to serve on Madeira i think...it is super duper pretty and a lot warmer than the Açores! Thanks for sending me that other shirt! And for ping pong...it made me laugh super hard when i opened it...it is super hard cause the ball is huge for the tiny paddles but it is super cool!

Thanks for everything mommy!! Love you!!

Elder Bushnell

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